Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Tutti gli emulatori che ci possono servire sul nostro cab con SO non Windows

Moderatore: Moderatore Raspberry

Enzo Game
Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 07/07/2018, 11:27
Città: Napoli

Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Enzo Game »

Ciao sto utilizzano un raspberry zero w con retropie 4.4

come display sto utilizzando un 2.2 pollici ili9341, sono riuscito ad installare il display senza problemi e ho modificato la risoluzione di retroarch in modo ottimale

ho solo un problema non riesco a modificare la risoluzione di emulationstation cioè della schermata dove scorrono gli emulatori

ho cambiato la risoluzione nel config.txt e si cambia in generale ma appena sono in emulationstation è sempre alta risoluzione

come si fà a cambiare tale risoluzione?

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Tox Nox Fox

BanHammer Silver Medal Donatore
Messaggi: 11789
Iscritto il: 14/01/2007, 23:35
Medaglie: 3
Grazie Inviati: 160 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 275 volte

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Tox Nox Fox »

La Guida al MameCab
Enzo Game
Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 07/07/2018, 11:27
Città: Napoli

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Enzo Game »

Grazie per la risposta

ho seguito il post e quando digito /usr/bin/emulationstation

a me non esce questo:

if [ -n "\$DISPLAY" ]; then
echo "X is running. Please shut down X in order to mitigate problems with loosing keyboard input. For example, logout from LXDE."
exit 1

pushd "$rootdir/supplementary/EmulationStation" > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null

ma esce un pò diverso,

non ho questa parte ./emulationstation

quindi non sò dove aggiungere questo

./emulationstation -w 720 -h 336

qualche consiglio?

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Tox Nox Fox

BanHammer Silver Medal Donatore
Messaggi: 11789
Iscritto il: 14/01/2007, 23:35
Medaglie: 3
Grazie Inviati: 160 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 275 volte

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Tox Nox Fox »

Aggiungilo prima della fine

Magari, esci da Emulatonstation station

Codice: Seleziona tutto

sudo emulationstation -w 720 -h 336
Usando la tua risoluzione in w e h e vedi se si ridimensiona

Trovata la risoluzione aggiungila prima della fine dello script
La Guida al MameCab
Enzo Game
Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 07/07/2018, 11:27
Città: Napoli

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Enzo Game »

grazie per l'aiuto ma non funziona,

se faccio così:
sudo emulationstation -w 320 -h 240
mi dice fi fare senza sudo
emulationstation should not be run as root. If you used 'sudo emulationstation' please run without sudo.

quindi faccio così:
emulationstation -w 220 -h 240

e mi esce:
EmulationStation, a graphical front-end for ROM browsing.
Written by Alec "Aloshi" Lofquist.
Version 2.7.5rp, built Feb 27 2018 - 18:01:33

Command line arguments:
--resolution [width] [height] try and force a particular resolution
--gamelist-only skip automatic game search, only read from gamelist.xml
--ignore-gamelist ignore the gamelist (useful for troubleshooting)
--draw-framerate display the framerate
--no-exit don't show the exit option in the menu
--no-splash don't show the splash screen
--debug more logging, show console on Windows
--scrape scrape using command line interface
--windowed not fullscreen, should be used with --resolution
--vsync [1/on or 0/off] turn vsync on or off (default is on)
--max-vram [size] Max VRAM to use in Mb before swapping. 0 for unlimited
--force-kiosk Force the UI mode to be Kiosk
--help, -h summon a sentient, angry tuba

More information available in README.md.

allora ho provato a fare in questo modo:
emulationstation resolution [320] [240]

parte emulationstation ma senza cambiare risoluzion

invece facendo
nano /usr/bin/emulationstation
esce lo script in modo diverso come avevo accennato prima


if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "emulationstation should not be run as root. If you used 'sudo emulationstation' please run without sudo."
exit 1

if [[ -d "/sys/module/vc4" ]]; then
echo -e "ERROR: You have the experimental desktop GL driver enabled. This is NOT compatible with RetroPie, and Emulation St$
exit 1

if [[ "$(uname --machine)" != *86* ]]; then
if [[ -n "$(pidof X)" ]]; then
echo "X is running. Please shut down X in order to mitigate problems with losing keyboard input. For example, logout fr$
exit 1

# save current tty/vt number for use with X so it can be launched on the correct tty
export TTY="${tty:8:1}"

tput civis
"/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/emulationstation.sh" "$@"
if [[ 0 -eq 139 ]]; then
dialog --cr-wrap --no-collapse --msgbox "Emulation Station crashed!\n\nIf this is your first boot of RetroPie - make sure y$
tput cnorm

dice di eseguire senza sudo, ma non sto utilizzando sudo

dove sbaglio?
Avatar utente
Tox Nox Fox

BanHammer Silver Medal Donatore
Messaggi: 11789
Iscritto il: 14/01/2007, 23:35
Medaglie: 3
Grazie Inviati: 160 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 275 volte

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Tox Nox Fox »

Prova con

Codice: Seleziona tutto

 emulationstation --resolution [720] [336]
Non stai sbagliando niente tu.
Probabilmente sono avvenuti aggiornamenti sia in Emulatonstation che in Retropie e quindi i comandi possono essere leggermente diversi
La Guida al MameCab
Enzo Game
Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 07/07/2018, 11:27
Città: Napoli

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Enzo Game »

ancora non funziona


emulationstation --resolution [720] [336]

emulatinostation parte sempre alla stessa risoluzione ho provato ad inserirlo in /usr/bin/emulationstation ma comunque non cambia nulla

ho trovato questo ma non capisco bene come cambiare risoluzione

~/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg: When first run, an example systems configuration file will be created at ~/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg. ~ is $HOME on Linux, and %HOMEPATH% on Windows. This example has some comments explaining how to write the configuration file. See the "Writing an es_systems.cfg" section for more information.

Keep in mind you'll have to set up your emulator separately from EmulationStation!

~/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg: When you first start EmulationStation, you will be prompted to configure an input device. The process is thus:

Hold a button on the device you want to configure. This includes the keyboard.

Press the buttons as they appear in the list. Some inputs can be skipped by holding any button down for a few seconds (e.g. page up/page down).

You can review your mappings by pressing up and down, making any changes by pressing A.

Choose "SAVE" to save this device and close the input configuration screen.

The new configuration will be added to the ~/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg file.

Both new and old devices can be (re)configured at any time by pressing the Start button and choosing "CONFIGURE INPUT". From here, you may unplug the device you used to open the menu and plug in a new one, if necessary. New devices will be appended to the existing input configuration file, so your old devices will remain configured.

If your controller stops working, you can delete the ~/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg file to make the input configuration screen re-appear on next run.

You can use --help or -h to view a list of command-line options. Briefly outlined here:

--resolution [width] [height] - try and force a particular resolution
--gamelist-only - only display games defined in a gamelist.xml file.
--ignore-gamelist - do not parse any gamelist.xml files.
--draw-framerate - draw the framerate.
--no-exit - do not display 'exit' in the ES menu.
--debug - show the console window on Windows, do slightly more logging
--windowed - run ES in a window, works best in conjunction with --resolution [w] [h].
--vsync [1/on or 0/off] - turn vsync on or off (default is on).
--scrape - run the interactive command-line metadata scraper.
As long as ES hasn't frozen, you can always press F4 to close the application.

Writing an es_systems.cfg
Complete configuration instructions at emulationstation.org.

The es_systems.cfg file contains the system configuration data for EmulationStation, written in XML. This tells EmulationStation what systems you have, what platform they correspond to (for scraping), and where the games are located.

ES will check two places for an es_systems.cfg file, in the following order, stopping after it finds one that works:

The order EmulationStation displays systems reflects the order you define them in.

NOTE: A system must have at least one game present in its "path" directory, or ES will ignore it! If no valid systems are found, ES will report an error and quit!

Here's an example es_systems.cfg:

<!-- This is the EmulationStation Systems configuration file.
All systems must be contained within the <systemList> tag.-->

<!-- Here's an example system to get you started. -->
<!-- A short name, used internally. -->

<!-- A "pretty" name, displayed in the menus and such. This one is optional. -->
<fullname>Super Nintendo Entertainment System</fullname>

<!-- The path to start searching for ROMs in. '~' will be expanded to $HOME or %HOMEPATH%, depending on platform.
All subdirectories (and non-recursive links) will be included. -->

<!-- A list of extensions to search for, delimited by any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t").
You MUST include the period at the start of the extension! It's also case sensitive. -->
<extension>.smc .sfc .SMC .SFC</extension>

<!-- The shell command executed when a game is selected. A few special tags are replaced if found in a command, like %ROM% (see below). -->
<command>snesemulator %ROM%</command>
<!-- This example would run the bash command "snesemulator /home/user/roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World.sfc". -->

<!-- The platform(s) to use when scraping. You can see the full list of accepted platforms in src/PlatformIds.cpp.
It's case sensitive, but everything is lowercase. This tag is optional.
You can use multiple platforms too, delimited with any of the whitespace characters (", \r\n\t"), eg: "genesis, megadrive" -->

<!-- The theme to load from the current theme set. See THEMES.md for more information.
This tag is optional; if not set, it will use the value of <name>. -->

Enzo Game
Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 07/07/2018, 11:27
Città: Napoli

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Enzo Game »

Ho fatto altre prove ma ancora non riesco, per essere sicuro ho anche preso una sd nuova con retropie appena installato pensando di aver incasinato troppo, ma comunque non riesco a fare questa impostazione

altri consigli Tox Nox Fox?

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Tox Nox Fox

BanHammer Silver Medal Donatore
Messaggi: 11789
Iscritto il: 14/01/2007, 23:35
Medaglie: 3
Grazie Inviati: 160 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 275 volte

Re: Emulationstation 320 240 su display 2.2 pollici

Messaggio da Tox Nox Fox »

Sinceramente no
Hai provato anche qualche tema diverso ?
Non vorrei che il sistema fosse ad una risoluzione corretta ma il tema sia più grande
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