AVGA 9250 new version ?

Come portare i 15khz al monitor arcade con HW o SW
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Messaggi: 348
Iscritto il: 14/09/2005, 20:18
Città: Roma
Località: Prato Sesia (NO)

Messaggio da skorpjone »

miii che confusione, non c-ho mica capito tanto.......escludiamo l-impiego di advancemame.......quindi con l-arcadevga mi ritrovero` alcuni giochi con bande nere o decentrati o con colori sfalsati? ps a me interessano solo i giochi a orientamento orizzontale........
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God of Arcade
God of Arcade
Messaggi: 6794
Iscritto il: 25/07/2005, 10:54
Grazie Inviati: 2 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 2 volte

Messaggio da Kernel »

skorpjone ha scritto:miii che confusione, non c-ho mica capito tanto.......escludiamo l-impiego di advancemame.......quindi con l-arcadevga mi ritrovero` alcuni giochi con bande nere o decentrati o con colori sfalsati? ps a me interessano solo i giochi a orientamento orizzontale........
I colori non sono sfalsati. Alcune risoluzioni le troverai un po' decentrate. Nulla di grave comunque. Il problema più grosso sono gli Hz non uguali a quelli di alcuni giochi che creano scatti audio/scatti video.
Comunque c'è poco da fare, non c'è alternativa.
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Messaggi: 6837
Iscritto il: 22/07/2005, 21:52
Località: Brescia
Grazie Inviati: 5 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 3 volte

Messaggio da TheBaro »

si hai ragione ho scritto male...intendo che uso una radeon 9250 non fatta ancora diventare una avga (come ho scritto in firma!)...l'avevo presa perche nel caso servisse la flashavo...
se imposto la switch resolution, se nn ricordo male, non mi fa il fullscreen, cioè si stringe o si allarga lo schermo a seconda dalla risoluzione...
francamente la riga che divide lo schermo nn ce l'ho..forse perche vado a 31 khz...
io come test usavo bonze adventure oppure rygar (se ci sono problemi lo vedi dagli alberi che sembrano divisi in due orizzontalmente) oppure ninja spirit per vedere se mi dava problemi di scrolling e francamente nn me ne da...
Arcade Cab : Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler, Virtua Golf, 3 Naomi, Videogame, Magnum, Astrowar, Zaccaria, Operation Bear, Point Blank 2 e 3, Taito ZuZuBlock, Racing Hero, Badlands, Generico Guida Upright
Flipper : Creature from Black Lagoon, Road Show, Dracula, World Cup '94, Theatre of Magic, Tales from the Arabian Nights, Medieval Madness, Cactus Canyon, The Getaway HSII, Star Trek Next Generation, Monster Bash, Attack from Mars, Terminator 2, Revenge From Mars, ScaredStiff, Indiana Jones, The Addam's Family, Twilight Zone, Card King
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God of Arcade
God of Arcade
Messaggi: 6794
Iscritto il: 25/07/2005, 10:54
Grazie Inviati: 2 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 2 volte

Messaggio da Kernel »

TheBaro ha scritto: se imposto la switch resolution, se nn ricordo male, non mi fa il fullscreen, cioè si stringe o si allarga lo schermo a seconda dalla risoluzione...
Effettivamente, fa come con i normali monitor CRT.
TheBaro ha scritto: francamente la riga che divide lo schermo nn ce l'ho..forse perche vado a 31 khz...
Il difetto lo fa anche con i monitor per PC (magari prova con r-type per avere conferma).
Comunque se non lo vedi e sei senza v-sync, tanto di guadagnato!
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Messaggi: 6837
Iscritto il: 22/07/2005, 21:52
Località: Brescia
Grazie Inviati: 5 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 3 volte

Messaggio da TheBaro »

Kernel ha scritto:
Il difetto lo fa anche con i monitor per PC (magari prova con r-type per avere conferma).
Comunque se non lo vedi e sei senza v-sync, tanto di guadagnato!
ok appena riesco provo e ti so dire...
Arcade Cab : Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler, Virtua Golf, 3 Naomi, Videogame, Magnum, Astrowar, Zaccaria, Operation Bear, Point Blank 2 e 3, Taito ZuZuBlock, Racing Hero, Badlands, Generico Guida Upright
Flipper : Creature from Black Lagoon, Road Show, Dracula, World Cup '94, Theatre of Magic, Tales from the Arabian Nights, Medieval Madness, Cactus Canyon, The Getaway HSII, Star Trek Next Generation, Monster Bash, Attack from Mars, Terminator 2, Revenge From Mars, ScaredStiff, Indiana Jones, The Addam's Family, Twilight Zone, Card King
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Messaggi: 6837
Iscritto il: 22/07/2005, 21:52
Località: Brescia
Grazie Inviati: 5 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 3 volte

Messaggio da TheBaro »

mmm effettivamente il difetto c'e'..nn avevo mai giocato ad rtype..
usando i miei giochi di paragone tipo Rygar, nn me ne sono accorto..
domanda, da riga di comando col mame senza la gui come fai ad attivare il vsync?
Arcade Cab : Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler, Virtua Golf, 3 Naomi, Videogame, Magnum, Astrowar, Zaccaria, Operation Bear, Point Blank 2 e 3, Taito ZuZuBlock, Racing Hero, Badlands, Generico Guida Upright
Flipper : Creature from Black Lagoon, Road Show, Dracula, World Cup '94, Theatre of Magic, Tales from the Arabian Nights, Medieval Madness, Cactus Canyon, The Getaway HSII, Star Trek Next Generation, Monster Bash, Attack from Mars, Terminator 2, Revenge From Mars, ScaredStiff, Indiana Jones, The Addam's Family, Twilight Zone, Card King
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God of Arcade
God of Arcade
Messaggi: 6794
Iscritto il: 25/07/2005, 10:54
Grazie Inviati: 2 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 2 volte

Messaggio da Kernel »

TheBaro ha scritto:mmm effettivamente il difetto c'e'..nn avevo mai giocato ad rtype..
usando i miei giochi di paragone tipo Rygar, nn me ne sono accorto..
domanda, da riga di comando col mame senza la gui come fai ad attivare il vsync?
Dovrebbe essere "-vsync" l'opzione da aggiungere
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Messaggi: 6837
Iscritto il: 22/07/2005, 21:52
Località: Brescia
Grazie Inviati: 5 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 3 volte

Messaggio da TheBaro »

da aggiungere alla riga "coomand line format" dopo [name]{nodosbox}{safelaunch} quindi
[name]{nodosbox}{safelaunch} -vsync
immagino :D
Arcade Cab : Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler, Virtua Golf, 3 Naomi, Videogame, Magnum, Astrowar, Zaccaria, Operation Bear, Point Blank 2 e 3, Taito ZuZuBlock, Racing Hero, Badlands, Generico Guida Upright
Flipper : Creature from Black Lagoon, Road Show, Dracula, World Cup '94, Theatre of Magic, Tales from the Arabian Nights, Medieval Madness, Cactus Canyon, The Getaway HSII, Star Trek Next Generation, Monster Bash, Attack from Mars, Terminator 2, Revenge From Mars, ScaredStiff, Indiana Jones, The Addam's Family, Twilight Zone, Card King
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God of Arcade
God of Arcade
Messaggi: 6794
Iscritto il: 25/07/2005, 10:54
Grazie Inviati: 2 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 2 volte

Messaggio da Kernel »

Ho controllato e l'opzione corretta è "-waitvsync".

Va messa alla fine.

Ho fatto una "stampa" dei comandi del mame a riga di comando:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

Usage: mame [game] [options]


-readconfig          enable loading of configuration files

-rompath             path to ROMsets and hard disk images
-samplepath          path to samplesets
-artpath             path to artwork files
-ctrlrpath           path to controller definitions
-inipath             path to ini files
-fontpath            path to font files

-cfg_directory       directory to save configurations
-nvram_directory     directory to save nvram contents
-memcard_directory   directory to save memory card contents
-input_directory     directory to save input device logs
-state_directory     directory to save states
-snapshot_directory  directory to save screenshots
-diff_directory      directory to save hard drive image difference files
-comment_directory   directory to save debugger comments

-cheat_file          cheat filename

-state               saved state to load
-autosave            enable automatic restore at startup, and automatic save at exit time
-playback            playback an input file
-record              record an input file
-mngwrite            optional filename to write a MNG movie of the current session
-wavwrite            optional filename to write a WAV file of the current session

-autoframeskip       enable automatic frameskip selection
-frameskip           set frameskip to fixed value, 0-12 (autoframeskip must be disabled)
-seconds_to_run      number of emulated seconds to run before automatically exiting
-throttle            enable throttling to keep game running in sync with real time
-sleep               enable sleeping, which gives time back to other applications when idle
-speed               controls the speed of gameplay, relative to realtime; smaller numbers are slower
-refreshspeed        automatically adjusts the speed of gameplay to keep the refresh rate lower than the screen

-rotate              rotate the game screen according to the game's orientation needs it
-ror                 rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees
-rol                 rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees
-autoror             automatically rotate screen clockwise 90 degrees if vertical
-autorol             automatically rotate screen counterclockwise 90 degrees if vertical
-flipx               flip screen left-right
-flipy               flip screen upside-down

-artwork_crop        crop artwork to game screen size
-use_backdrops       enable backdrops if artwork is enabled and available
-use_overlays        enable overlays if artwork is enabled and available
-use_bezels          enable bezels if artwork is enabled and available

-brightness          default game screen brightness correction
-contrast            default game screen contrast correction
-gamma               default game screen gamma correction
-pause_brightness    amount to scale the screen brightness when paused

-antialias           use antialiasing when drawing vectors
-beam                set vector beam width
-flicker             set vector flicker effect

-sound               enable sound output
-samplerate          set sound output sample rate
-samples             enable the use of external samples if available
-volume              sound volume in decibels (-32 min, 0 max)

-ctrlr               preconfigure for specified controller
-mouse               enable mouse input
-joystick            enable joystick input
-lightgun            enable lightgun input
-multikeyboard       enable separate input from each keyboard device (if present)
-multimouse          enable separate input from each mouse device (if present)
-steadykey           enable steadykey support
-offscreen_reload    convert lightgun button 2 into offscreen reload
-joystick_map        explicit joystick map, or auto to auto-select
-joystick_deadzone   center deadzone range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)
-joystick_saturation end of axis saturation range for joystick where change is ignored (0.0 center, 1.0 end)

-paddle_device       enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a paddle control is present
-adstick_device      enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if an analog joystick control is present
-pedal_device        enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a pedal control is present
-dial_device         enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a dial control is present
-trackball_device    enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a trackball control is present
-lightgun_device     enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a lightgun control is present
-positional_device   enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a positional control is present
-mouse_device        enable (keyboard|mouse|joystick) if a mouse control is present

-log                 generate an error.log file
-verbose             display additional diagnostic information
-update_in_pause     keep calling video updates while in pause

-bios                select the system BIOS to use
-cheat               enable cheat subsystem
-skip_gameinfo       skip displaying the information screen at startup

-oslog               output error.log data to the system debugger

-priority            thread priority for the main game thread; range from -15 to 1
-multithreading      enable multithreading; this enables rendering and blitting on a separate thread

-video               video output method: none, gdi, ddraw, or d3d
-numscreens          number of screens to create; usually, you want just one
-window              enable window mode; otherwise, full screen mode is assumed
-maximize            default to maximized windows; otherwise, windows will be minimized
-keepaspect          constrain to the proper aspect ratio
-prescale            scale screen rendering by this amount in software
-effect              name of a PNG file to use for visual effects, or 'none'
-waitvsync           enable waiting for the start of VBLANK before flipping screens; reduces tearing effects
-syncrefresh         enable using the start of VBLANK for throttling instead of the game time

-hwstretch           enable hardware stretching

-d3dversion          specify the preferred Direct3D version (8 or 9)
-filter              enable bilinear filtering on screen output

-screen              explicit name of all screens; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-aspect              aspect ratio for all screens; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-resolution          preferred resolution for all screens; format is <width>x<height>[@<refreshrate>] or 'auto'
-view                preferred view for all screens
-screen0             explicit name of the first screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-aspect0             aspect ratio of the first screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-resolution0         preferred resolution of the first screen; format is <width>x<height>[@<refreshrate>] or 'auto'
-view0               preferred view for the first screen
-screen1             explicit name of the second screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-aspect1             aspect ratio of the second screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-resolution1         preferred resolution of the second screen; format is <width>x<height>[@<refreshrate>] or 'auto'
-view1               preferred view for the second screen
-screen2             explicit name of the third screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-aspect2             aspect ratio of the third screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-resolution2         preferred resolution of the third screen; format is <width>x<height>[@<refreshrate>] or 'auto'
-view2               preferred view for the third screen
-screen3             explicit name of the fourth screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-aspect3             aspect ratio of the fourth screen; 'auto' here will try to make a best guess
-resolution3         preferred resolution of the fourth screen; format is <width>x<height>[@<refreshrate>] or 'auto'
-view3               preferred view for the fourth screen

-triplebuffer        enable triple buffering
-switchres           enable resolution switching
-full_screen_brightnessbrightness value in full screen mode
-full_screen_contrastcontrast value in full screen mode
-full_screen_gamma   gamma value in full screen mode

-audio_latency       set audio latency (increase to reduce glitches)

-dual_lightgun       enable dual lightgun input

-help                show help message
-validate            perform driver validation on all game drivers

-createconfig        create the default configuration file
-showconfig          display running parameters
-showusage           show this help

-listxml             all available info on driver in XML format
-listfull            short name, full name
-listsource          driver sourcefile
-listclones          show clones
-listcrc             CRC-32s
-listroms            list required roms for a driver
-listsamples         list optional samples for a driver
-verifyroms          report romsets that have problems
-verifysamples       report samplesets that have problems
-romident            compare files with known MAME roms
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Messaggi: 6837
Iscritto il: 22/07/2005, 21:52
Località: Brescia
Grazie Inviati: 5 volte
Grazie Ricevuti: 3 volte

Messaggio da TheBaro »

quindi la riga corretta dovrebbe essere
[name]{nodosbox}{safelaunch} -waitsync
Arcade Cab : Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler, Virtua Golf, 3 Naomi, Videogame, Magnum, Astrowar, Zaccaria, Operation Bear, Point Blank 2 e 3, Taito ZuZuBlock, Racing Hero, Badlands, Generico Guida Upright
Flipper : Creature from Black Lagoon, Road Show, Dracula, World Cup '94, Theatre of Magic, Tales from the Arabian Nights, Medieval Madness, Cactus Canyon, The Getaway HSII, Star Trek Next Generation, Monster Bash, Attack from Mars, Terminator 2, Revenge From Mars, ScaredStiff, Indiana Jones, The Addam's Family, Twilight Zone, Card King

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